Wednesday, 13 April 2011

You have one new email!

Well, as I walked out of work yesterday, I turned on my Blackberry as per usual. It's a novelty for me to have this constant connection to my emails as for my previous two Disney programs I have had to make my way to a computer for any communication from Yummy Jobs, so it's really exciting to be able to recieve emails instantly now! It pinged as I'd recieved an email and I just knew it was going to be Yummy Jobs, and it was! I had an email informing me that I'd been invited to a phone interview and they'd email me again with the details on how to book it.


It might seem a bit odd that I'm surprised I got a phone interview, but the competition seems to be so stiff this year that any further into the applications process is an achievement in itself. I'm not a huge fan of phone interviews as I tend to talk too fast and forget what I've said with the nervousness of it all but hopefully it will all work out! So when I came out of work today I got another email telling me to log onto the website to book a slot. As soon as I got home, I logged onto the YJ website and booked my interview for this Friday morning! It's in less than 48 hours which is a bit scary but the only other time I was free to have it would have been next Thursday and I don't think I can wait over a week for this crucial stage! I decided it was better to have the phone interview soon, get it over and done with and then try to forget about it until we get an email with the outcome!

The reason I had such limited availability for the phone interviews is because it's now the Easter holidays and I'm keeping myself very busy by working the (insane) amount of 19 days in a row. It's a mix of my two jobs - indeed some days I'm actually doing both jobs in one day (e.g. tomorrow). It's a good thing tho to keep my mind off the process - after a full three months of waiting for a response from YJ, everything is now moving faster and I should know within the next two months or so whether I'll be going back to Florida which is quite exciting! I'm hoping for the best (obviously) but at the end of the day - what will be, will be. But keep your fingers crossed for me anyway!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you :D You're going to rock the phone interview. (P.S. The British accent is DEFINITELY a plus, lol). .... And even though you KNOW how I feel about Disney, I really do like your new background! x

  2. Ha! You must be the only person to read this blog at the moment it's not officially announced :P I don't want to tempt fate *that* much! But thanks for your comments re: the background - I made it myself because I am that much of a loser! x
